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Outer Frame Assembly

The outer frame assembly of Casa, designed using 2020 V slot extrusion, is assembled in two halves. Each half is joined by a backbone of 2040 extrusion, making the enclosure easy to disassemble for moving. The panels, sliding door, electronics, and basement will attach to this main frame. Throughout this stage, remember to check for squareness and adjust accordingly.

The outer frame assembly uses eight different extrusions labeled A - H. Some extrusions are the same length but feature different cross-drill patterns, so ensure you select the correct extrusion. Extrusions A, C, D, and H are the extrusions that have cross-drilling. If you are self-sourcing, you may find the printable cross-drill guides handy.

Electronics Bay and Door Placement

To position the electronics bay on the opposite side, Casa can also be constructed to mirror the layout illustrated in these instructions. However, the doors must be installed on the side furthest from your electronics bay. This installation prevents the doors from impeding your ability to hit the e-stop.

Blind Joints

Casa's frame is assembled using blind joints. These are simple and cheap joints that provide excellent strength through metal-to-metal contact. Blind joints require cross-drilling the extrusion to allow access to tighten down a button head bolt and also require manual alignment. Make sure that joints are aligned and square when tightening.

All blind joints are secured using an M5 x 10 BHCS bolts. In the interest of simplifying this manual, we have chosen to omit the button head bolts from the images. Wherever a part interfaces with extrusions in a way that looks like it requires a bolt for a blind joint, then it should be considered a part that requires a bolt.

Components Required

    1 x Extrusion A
    3 x Extrusion B
    3 x M5 x 10 BHCS

Components Required

    1 x Extrusion A
    3 x M5 x 10 BHCS


Note that this part is not symmetrical. The central cross beam sits closer to the bottom of the enclosure than to the top.

Components Required

    4 x Extrusion H
    4 x M5 x 10 BHCS

The 2040 extrusions used here form the backbone of Casa. In this step, connect only a single side. The other half of the enclosure will connect to the other side.

Components Required

    2 x Extrusion E
    1 x Extrusion F
    6 x M5 x 10 BHCS

Repeat steps 1 & 2

Components Required

    2 x Extrusion A
    3 x Extrusion B
    6 x M5 x 10 BHCS


Note that this part is not symmetrical. The central cross beam sits closer to the bottom of the enclosure than to the top.

Components Required

    2 x Extrusion C
    2 x M5 x 10 BHCS

Components Required

    2 x Extrusion D
    2 x M5 x 10 BHCS

Components Required

    2 x Extrusion F
    2 x Extrusion B
    6 x M5 x 10 BHCS

Components Required

    2 x Extrusion C
    2 x M5 x 10 BHCS

Components Required

    2 x Extrusion B
    4 x M5 x 10 BHCS

Assemble the two halves together

Components Required

    6 x M5 x 10 BHCS

Components Required

    2 x Extrusion E
    4 x 2020 Corner Bracket
    4 x M5 x 8 BHCS

Assemble the machine supports to the bottom of the enclosure. Leave the bolts loose at this stage to allow the supports to reposition, specifically for your machine.

Components Required

    4 x M5 x 8 BHCS

Next Chapter: Sliding Door Assembly