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Take a deep breath for a second and realize something.

You... yes YOU, are about to commit to building a robot that can cut through metal, let alone your squishy human parts. A machine that can easily electrocute you, cut you, or set fire to your whole neighborhood if it's not given the respect it deserves.

Please give this machine the respect it deserves !!!


Please follow the manual to the letter and perform any additional research necessary before attempting to use Milo for the first time.

If there is anything, and we mean anything that you are curious or unsure about, you are more than welcome to ask us on our discord server.

After all, you are special to us and we don't want you to get hurt.

Most importantly from everyone at the Millennium Machines design team, Have fun building your very first Casa!

What To Expect

This manual and associated firmware is for the Casa R2 built to the standard BOM. This also covers the kit supplied by LDO.

Bill of Materials

Provided here is the bill of materials. We recommend that you try to stick to this list as much as possible; you're an adult (hopefully), and this is your machine. If there is a substitution that you think would lead to a better machine, feel free! If there is a feature you don't feel is necessary, don't buy the parts for it.

Furthermore, there are options in the guide that are up to you to decide on, such as drivers, motors, and even control boards. Do your research and find what you need to make your build work for you.

Parts List and Printing Guidelines

The Millennium Machines team has provided a printing list with settings for you as a guideline for printing the parts necessary for the build. This list can be found here.

Remember, these settings are only a guideline, and are open to your interpretations - but we highly recommend following them to achieve the best mechanical properties for each part.

T-Nuts Application

This enclosure makes use of T-nuts and blind joints. In the interest of simplifying this manual, we have chosen to omit the installation of T-nuts and button head bolts. Wherever a part interfaces with an extrusion in a way that looks like it requires a T-nut or a bolt for a blind joint, then it should be considered a part that requires a T-nut / bolt.

Pre-Build Training

Before you head out on your journey to create Skynet, it's probably a good idea that you learn a few things. Luckily the Millennium Machines team has put together a curated list of videos to teach you all you need to know - sit back, relax, and enjoy.


Building Casa can be confusing, but we're here to help. Do you have a question? Do you want to show off your build? Maybe you just want someone to chat with? Well, why not join our community here on:

Next Chapter: Outer Frame Assembly